Work to be done

Good markets mask a lot of fundamental problems in the business of Recruitment and Search Business Owners…

I’ve seen it more and more recently…

“Things are going great, we have more clients than we can handle”

They get lulled into a false sense of security because of how things are, they forget how things were…

Having more clients than you can handle now is great…

But if when things normalise you’re back to not having enough…

There is still work to be done my friend…

Business is a long game… And you need to be looking 2 or 3 steps ahead not just at what’s directly in front of you…

Are things going well because of something YOU’VE done or changed?

Or is it because the market has changed?

If it’s the latter… What happens to your business when the market changes out of your favour?

Making hay while things are good shouldn’t mean neglecting problems that were there before…

Whenever you’re ready… Here I four ways I can help you make more placements in your business…

  1. Join “Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners” – It’s our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners. Every week we host a free training centred around what you need to do to make more placements and scale your business. — Join Here
  2. Watch the Case Study – We recorded a case study interview with one of the Recruitment/Search Business Owners we help on how he doubled his business profits less than 12 months – Watch it here
  3. Get the FREE 6-figure game plan – How to add six figures to your Recruitment or Search Business within the next 12 months – Get it here
  4. Work with us privately – If you’d like to work with us privately to scale your Recruitment or Search Business send us an email with the word “private” in the subject line and I’ll be in touch with the next steps
