Your business is a reflection of you

Listen to this,

Your business is a reflection of you…

It works as a mirror for all the things that are going on either externally in your personal life or internally (the way you think)…

And if you look closely at your business right now, you’ll see examples of this screaming back at you…

Lack clarity and direction in your personal life, you’ll probably lack clarity and focus in your business too…

If you don’t invest in yourself, you’ll struggle to get your clients to invest in you…

Constantly seek out the lowest price for everything and demand discounts… You’ll attract clients who think and behave the same way…

Have friends or family members who you allow to treat you badly and take you for granted… You’ve probably got clients who are doing the same…

Low-self esteem or self-worth… you’ll probably struggle to get your clients to pay the fee you deserve…

I could go on, but you get the point…

Not always, but very often… Business challenges are just a symptom of stuff going on in your personal life being mirrored back in your business…

And as much as you try, you can’t fix the business challenge until you’ve addressed the personal issue too…

Don’t fix the particular issue and you’ll have a business challenge/mistake that keeps repeating itself in different ways…

That’s why working on yourself is just as if not more so important than just working on your business…

Its a simple concept that many overlook…

For your business to grow and progress, you must grow and progress first!

Whenever you’re ready… Here I four ways I can help you make more placements in your business…

1. Join “Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners” – It’s our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners. Every week we host a free training centred around what you need to do to make more placements and scale your business. — Join Here

2. Watch the Case Study – We recorded a case study interview with one of the Recruitment/Search Business Owners we help on how he doubled his business profits less than 12 months – Watch it here

3. Get the FREE 6-figure game plan – How to add six figures to your Recruitment or Search Business within the next 12 months – Get it here

4. Work with us privately – If you’d like to work with us privately to scale your Recruitment or Search Business send us an email with the word “private” in the subject line and I’ll be in touch with the next steps
