I speak with between 200-300 different Recruitment and Search Business Owners per year…
I have done so for the past 10 years or so…
That’s me personally having a face to face or telephone conversations with them…
I’m not even including email, LinkedIn or Facebook exchanges in that…
And when I speak to them, there’s no proviso, no lies (mostly)…
They open up and reveal their deepest, darkest challenges….
So I have a better understanding than most about what’s REALLY going on in their businesses….
Here’s what I’ve found…
1% actually get the business they want and get wealthy
4% do very well
15% are successful and earn good livings
60% stall, stagnate and struggle endlessly
20% fail
These obviously aren’t exact numbers… But they won’t be too far off…
That means that the overwhelming majority of Recruitment and Search Business owners are getting it wrong and not getting the results they want…
This isn’t to criticise them… It can be a tough craft!
(My first Recruitment business failed, so believe me when I say I know it’s an easy mistake to make…)
Most of them won’t be reading this message.
But YOU are… and if you’re out their looking at what the majority are doing, copying their websites, strategy, pricing and business models… Take this as a wake-up call.
You’ll very quickly end up in the bottom 80% wondering what ever happen to the dream business you had fantasies of when you first started out…
Start thinking outside the box, stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, in fact actively seek out to steer clear of what their doing and do something different…
And if you’re ready to move into that top 5%, click the link below and get your FREE roadmap –
Get your roadmap by clicking here
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