There’s one mistake that almost every Recruitment and Search Firm owner makes…
And you’re almost certainly making it too…
And it’s probably costing you thousands in lost revenue and profits…
The mistake is making decisions based on your stupid assumptions and opinions about how and what will work for you in your business…
Most of us have preconceived ideas about what is and is not possible and acceptable in our businesses…
We assume we know what our clients and potential clients are thinking and have the arrogance to assume we know what they will and will not like…
For example;
We often set our prices based on what we ASSUME our clients are willing to pay for our service…
We deliver our service based on what we ASSUME our clients are looking for…
And we market and sell our service in a way we ASSUME our potential clients will respond to…
And more to the point…. We ignore things we ASSUME our clients will not respond to…
But they’re all just assumptions….
It might surprise you to discover this…
But effective marketing that gets your potential clients to raise their hand and express an interest in what you do, isn’t really a matter of amazing copywriting, sharp insights and ‘seduction and influencing’ techniques….
No, rather boringly, it’s about relentless testing and measuring of what works instead of making stupid assumptions…
It’s perhaps not the glamorous and sexy answer to your business challenges you were looking for… But it’s just the way it is!
What I mean is, you’ll often find you’ll think about an idea you want to try out. So you’ll go out and ask people what they they think. You’ll ask your friends, colleagues and family; you’ll ask people down the pub; you’ll maybe even ask me. And what you’ll get is lots of opinions, some more informed than others, to be sure, but what you won’t get are facts.
And the only way you will EVER get the facts it by testing…
I’ll perhaps talk about testing and measuring more at a later date…
In the mean time, the lesson here is to STOP making assumptions…
Speak to you soon,
Until then…
Take care, take action and be relentless…
Terry Edwards
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