The real profit in winning a new client isn’t in the first sale; it’s in the ongoing relationship…
The initial fee you get from a brand-new client is great, but the right relationship with the right client can double, triple, or quadruple the client value in just a few months…
Add that up over the lifetime of the client relationship, and you’ve got yourself a golden goose 🪙🦢…
Throw in the referrals you’ll get, plus the new business opportunities you’ll generate with the candidates you place, and you’re onto a real winner 🏆…
Two common problems with this:
Most recruitment and search business owners are unknowingly and unintentionally killing their golden goose 🪙🦢 through sheer neglect…
Firstly, because they have no idea what the lifetime value of each client they win is…
Secondly, even if they know, most do nothing to increase it, letting any additional business they get from each client happen by chance rather than by design…
In doing so, they’re leaving thousands on the table for another recruiter to come along and swoop up 🤑…
They find themselves being forgotten, overlooked, or neglected by clients they already have strong relationships…
They end up hearing through the grapevine 🍇 that their client used one of their competitors to fill a position they were more than capable of filling…
Some don’t even hear and have nothing but a series of one-time sales fueling their business rather than ongoing clients…
Increasing the value of each client is critical! 🚀📈
They Always Get Hit! 🎯💥
When I was younger, I used to box…🥊
I was county champion, one of the best in the country for my age group…🏆
But despite that, no matter who I got into the ring with, I always ended up getting punched in the face…👊
Sometimes so hard that I would see stars and want to vomit…🌟🤢
Even in the easier fights, fights I dominated… I always got hit!💥
And the same applies to anyone else who’s ever stepped in the ring…🥇
From amateur to the world’s best… They always get hit!🌍
It’s just part of the game… The price you pay for wanting to win…🎯
And the only way to avoid getting hit is to simply not step in the ring… But then you’ll never be a champion…🚫🥇
The same is true in your Recruitment or Search Business…💼
Every stage of growth brings with it different challenges…📈
You will always take hits… It will always be a battle…⚔️
And if you’re not facing any challenges… The most likely reason is that you’re not growing…📉
You’re not stepping in the ring… And you’ll never be champion!🥇
P.S. To get the FREE video training that reveals “How to consistently attract your ideal clients into your Recruitment or Search Business (and build the business of your dreams) without having to hire a massive team of consultants, regardless of even the most cut-throat competitors and in any economic climate,” message me with the word “CLIENTS” and I’ll send it to you. 🎥📈✨
Delayed Gratification ⏳✨
For More Videos Like This, Subscribe To The Make More Placements Youtube Channel Here
Consistency is the Key to Success 🔑🏆
🔍 Every week we get the Recruitment and Search Business Owners to share some of their biggest wins…
Here is a selection of our favorites:
“Closing My First Exclusive Agreement” 🎉📝
“Closing my first exclusive agreement.”
“I increased my engagement fee from $2K to $2.5K.” 💵📈
“I increased my engagement fee from $2k to $2.5k.”
🚀 Ready to grow your Recruitment or Search Business? Here are three ways we can help…
- Join “Make More Placements for Recruitment and Search Business Owners,” – Our new Facebook community specifically for Recruitment and Search Business Owners. Every week we host a free training about what you need to do to make more placements and scale your business. — Join Here
- Listen and Subscribe to the “Make More Placements Podcast” – We’ve created a podcast that reveals the Quick, Dirty & Uncensored Secrets For Your Recruitment, Staffing, and Search Business Success who want to make more placements for higher fees with less work and fewer headaches as told by Terry Edwards and Drew Edwards – Listen Here
- Watch the free training – We put together an online workshop that reveals “5 Secrets To Taking Your Recruitment or Search Business From 6 to 7 Figures in Revenue…Without working yourself into an early grave” – Watch it here
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