Myths About Sex and How They Effect Your Recruitment or Search Business
As a teenage boy growing up…. One of the many things that fascinated me about life, was ‘sex’. I wanted to learn all there was to know about it… But asking your parents, or a mature adult about things like that was embarrassing… So I turned to the more experienced members of my peer group…
Why Your Recruitment Or Search Business Sucks And It’s All Your Fault…
When I first started out in this industry… I statement I used a lot was, “It’s not your fault” … Usually when talking to a Recruitment or Search Firm owners whose business wasn’t doing as well as they would like… They would complain about the challenges they were facing in their business… Usually around lack…
The Subtle Difference Between Simple and Easy in Your Recruitment or Search Business
There’s difference between simple and easy… But sometimes people get the two confused… Easy means you can achieve the desired objective without any hard work, without having to learn something new and without too much mental or physical strain involved… Simple means you can achieve the desired task by following some basic principles… But mastering…
Why Most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners Have To Choose Between The Factory or The Farm
“Most people go through life making decisions by default, choosing only from narrow options dictated by others or by evolving circumstances…. One millionaire friend of mine grew up in a very small town where, as he put it, there were two career options: working at the factory or raising pigs and chickens… With only a…
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