Three Things Your Clients Want When Buying Recruitment or Search
In yesterdays post I proved to you that your potential clients don’t buy your Recruitment or Search services based on price… So if people don’t buy on price… what do they buy on? I’ve found that in the main people are looking for three things when buying Recruitment or Search: 1. High quality 2. Great service…
Proof Your Potential Clients Don’t Care About Price When Buying Your Recruitment Services
In yesterdays article I told you that the fastest and easiest way to boost the profits in your Recruitment or Search Business is to put your prices up… And although I stand by what I said… I perhaps made it sound easier than it is… Because although for you to put your prices up is…
Sorry… I assumed you actually wanted THIS
First, I think I owe you an apology. Bear with me, because it’s a bit involved. You see, I’ve assumed you actually want to make more money, yet I know from my own experience it isn’t necessarily so. And I say this with some confidence, because as surprising as it might seem, I often speak…
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