It’s easy to win more job orders

It’s easy to win more job orders… With sheer volume of either cold calls… MPC’s… Emails… LinkedIn… Just to name a few… Sure, there are things you can do to improve your outreach and improving your outreach is 100% something you should be investing your time into… But overall, it’s actually pretty simple… Sprinkle a…

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Get uncomfortable

A remember reading an article online somewhere that was interviewing several well-known entrepreneurs about the “secrets” to their success… There were lots of gems in there, but one thing that stood out to me was this quote… “The more you can find things that make you uncomfortable and do them anyway the more you’ll find…

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Just to clarify

Was listening to a podcast a while back that really resonated with me and reminded me of a lot of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help… The episode was talking about the importance of clarity and how, without it, any problem you have in your business can seem stressful, overwhelming, cause sleepless nights…

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Bad clients

As a Recruitment or Search Business Owner you’ll probably be well aware there are good clients and there a bad client… There are clients you love working with… And clients that you don’t… What constitutes a good or bad client will vary from person to person because a lot of it can be based on…

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Hunt then build

The longer I work with Recruitment and Search Firm Owners, the more I am convinced that they are split into 2 types: CHASERS AND BUILDERS. The CHASERS are like the hunters of old. They see an opportunity, and they chase it. Some days they come back with a fresh wildebeest to eat for a few…

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Responsibility > Blame

I’m very selective about who I take on as a client and have a strict screening process in place to repel the wannabes, talkers and bullshitters. Admittedly, now and then one of them slips through the net, and I’ll have to show them the door after we’ve started working together. But for the most part,…

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Fall in love with the game

At the start of the documentary “Michael Jordan To The Max”… Michael says: “People always ask me… What’s the secret to being the best basketball player in the world? I tell them it’s simple, you first have to fall in love with the game”. When you fall in love with something, practice no longer feels…

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I’ve been lying

A mentor of mine helped me come to a realisation a while back… I’ve been lying to myself… For almost all of my life in one capacity or another… And I’ve seen the same behaviour in the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help… And if you’re willing to be honest with yourself, I’m sure…

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Hiring Managers want more sex not more broccoli

A big mistake I see from Recruitment and Search Business Owners when marketing and selling their services is… they focus on the process they use rather than the outcome they deliver! The process is important… But all your prospects really want is the end result… It’s like a personal trainer selling the idea of exercising…

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The numbers don’t lie

Want to know the “secret” to predictable growth in your Recruitment or Search Business? It all comes down to knowing your numbers and making decisions based on the data you have rather than emotions or “gut feel”… Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners either don’t have a grasp on their numbers or simply ignore what…

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March – September

One of the Recruitment/Search Business Owners I help posted this in our client Facebook group a few days ago… I’ll paste in below too just in case the image doesn’t show properly…  “Hey guys, Wanted to let you know we have had higher turnover EVERY month since we joined the program in March with September…

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Most Recruitment/Search Business Owners don’t say ‘NO’ often enough… Often believing any business is better than no business… Saying ‘YES’ to any and everyone as long as they’re willing to pay something… Anything… Even when it’s significantly less than the fee you actually want… WRONG! There’s good business and there’s bad business… There’s Hiring Mangers…

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People lie, numbers don’t

Want to know the “secret” to predictable growth in your Recruitment or Search Business? It all comes down to knowing your numbers and making decisions based on the data you have rather than emotions or “gut feel”… Most Recruitment and Search Business Owners either don’t have a grasp on their numbers or simply ignore what…

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There’s something you need to pay particular attention too

Whether you’re an interim/contract or perm recruiter… If your delivery model is not 100% either retained or exclusive…. There’s something you need to pay particular attention too… If you fill 4 out of every 10 job orders, you work on… The majority of time you’re working and not getting paid… Every 10 job orders you…

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Recruiters Dirty “F” word

Let’s talk about the dirty “F” word… You know the one I’m talking about… The “F” that word that everyone does but most people don’t like to talk about in public… We all do it but not everyone is comfortable with people watching… You know the “F” word I mean… Failure…  We all have experienced it… The most successful Recruitment…

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Most Recruitment/Search Business Owners don’t accurately measure this

If you haven’t already done so, click the link below to watch the replay of the training we recently ran to talk about what we call the “Accelerated Placement System”… it’s the proven process the Recruitment and Search Business Owners we help use to increase fill rate on job orders from as low as 15%…

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Accelerated Placement System

I ran online workshop recently to talk about what we call the “Accelerated Placement System”… it’s the proven process the Recruitment and Search Business Owners we help use to increase fill rate on job orders from as low as 15% to 90%+.. If you’d like free access to the recording click the link below – Listen…

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Why Hiring Managers want you to charge higher fees

Not all… But a percentage of the prospects who are in the market for your Recruitment/Search services actually want you to charge a higher fee… Why? It’s not because they want to pay above the odds… It’s because they want reassurance they’re getting the best service for something that’s likely critical to their business performance……

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Important reminder about your results

Staying in your comfort zone KILLS growth in your Recruitment or Search Business… Although most the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I speak to know this intellectually… Very few really “GET” it! They’ll say they want growth… Better clients… Higher fees… More freedom… Higher profits and all that comes with it…. BUT they’ll fight like…

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Delayed gratification

Was talking to some of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners we help this morning around the subject of “delayed gratification”… It’s one of the secrets that separate top performing Recruitment and Search Business Owners from those who achieve only mediocre results…. Just in case you’re unfamiliar with the term here’s what I pulled directly…

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