The adversity of being a millionaire white dude
I opened the ‘Sky News’ app on my iPhone this morning to see that Bono, (the U2 frontman) has won an award… But not just any award… He’s become the first MAN to win Glamour’s ‘Women of The Year’ Award. I thought it was a typo or a joke at first… But I checked it…
The charity missed out
A friend of mine competed in the New York Marathon a couple of weeks ago… And like most people that do… He was doing so to raise money for charity. I can’t even remember what charity it was for, but a few months back he asked me if I’d donate… and I said yes. And…
How to get a big ball sack like Conor McGregor
On Saturday night I stayed up to watch UFC lightweight title fight between Eddie Alvarez and Conor McGregor… I’m not particularly a fan of the sport, I enjoy it when it’s on, but I rarely go out of my way to watch it… In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever sat down to watch a…
#50: What Tom Cruise Taught The Bulgarian Recruitment/Search Firm Owner
I’ve got a fresh episode of the ‘Renegade Recruiter Unleaashed’ Podcast for your ear drums tomorrow! In the meantime, make sure you’ve checked out last week’s episode, “#50: What Tom Cruise Taught The Bulgarian Recruitment/Search Firm Owner” In this episode I interview Plamen Ivanoff Co-Founder of GrassGreener Group, a UK based Recruitment/Search Firm, And Co-Founder…
Fear = Profits
You should be afraid… Very afraid. And if you’re not… The brutal truth is, it’s because you’re not pushing yourself. Think about this… People get scared in business, in relationships, in life… When they start doing things that make them feel uncomfortable. And it’s consistently doing things that you and other people find uncomfortable that…
How to spot a victim
This world is full of victims… And they ALL have four main traits in common 1. Bad things ALWAYS happen to them (not because of them) 2. Bad things happen often 3. They’re always involved, and 4. Someone or something else is always to blame You’ll find them in all walks of life, complaining about…
How Politicians Impact Recruitment and Search Firms
America has decided. Trump will be the 45th President of America. And people aren’t happy about it. But if Clinton had won… A different group of people wouldn’t be happy about that either. Personally, I’m not too bothered either way. But politicians seem to cause a lot of misery no matter what they do. They…
You need to get better
There’s a simple solution to getting better results. Whether we’re talking about your personal life or in your Recruitment/Search Business. Whatever it is you want in life. Whatever it is you want to achieve in business. Assuming you haven’t already reached that destination, it can only mean one thing… You need to improve! You have…
Do you know your value?
I heard a great quote a while back that went something like this… “If you’re wondering why my competitors are cheaper than I am then you should know it’s because we both understand the value of our services.” … Magic! There’s a big fat lesson there about how you’re positioned as a Recruitment/Staffing or Search…
Replace your ignorance
To me, stupidity and ignorance although very similar are not quite the same thing. Both being stupid and being ignorant can lead to you taking the same action, or lack of action as the case may be. But the reasons behind it will be very different. Stupidity is doing something even though you know it’s…
November 30th
Heads up! At the end of this month, I’m CLOSING the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy’ to all new members until some point next year. That means if you’re not already a member, November 30th is your last chance to get in before the doors slam shut in your face! And while all the other members are…
This KILLS Recruitment and Search Businesses
“Entrepreneurs must know that businesses fail because they don’t get attention. If you want to succeed and grow your business, your sales revenue and your brand, you must get attention.” – Grant Cardone I read that quote a few months ago, and it stuck with me…. It’s something I think ALL Recruitment and Search Firm…
Underpaid Recruitment and Search Firm Owners
There’s a danger when growing your Recruitment or Search business of getting too bogged down in ‘activity’… I see it all the time, ambitious Recruitment/Search Firm owners who hear about the potential that this industry holds and so dedicate every spare hour of their day to just “doing stuff”… I admire them at one level…
You’re probably not ready
Members of the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy’ newsletter will be getting the latest issue through the post very soon… (It goes to print on the 1st of the month and will land on doormats shortly after that) So if you don’t want to miss out, now would be a good time to join. But here’s the…
“Not making a decision is a BIG decision”
One of my favourite shows came back on the air last night for a brand new season… “The Walking Dead!” I’ve mentioned it before in several emails… It’s not something I expected to like before I sat down to watch it. On the surface, it looks like your typical Zombie Apocalypse type show/film. Which I’m…
What do you want?
Everything you are, or ever will be is entirely up to you… Sure, there will be people who can help you along the way… And by the same token there will be people and situations that prove a hindrance rather than a help… But ultimately, the situation you’re in and the situation you eventually end…
Recruitment and Search Firm Owners behind bars
Have you ever seen the film ‘The Hurricane” by Denzel Washington? It’s based on the true story of a boxer, Ruben “The Hurricane” Carter, who gets convicted for murder… A triple homicide… That he didn’t actually commit! Very quickly, Ruben finds himself behind bars in a situation he didn’t want to be in… But instead…
How Recruitment and Search Firms can win the lottery
Most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who have been following me for a while will know this already… But I have a real problem with the lottery… It’s not the lottery its self I have a problem with… It’s the people that play it!.. And I’m not talking about the people that play it just…
Stacking shelves
I hate queuing at the best of times… I get that sometimes it’s necessary… But I’d rather avoid it if at all possible… And I know a lot of people would agree. But what REALLY annoys me about queueing is doing so when it’s not necessary… Picture this… I pop into my local supermarket (grocery…
Coach Carter
I sat down with the Family and watched ‘Coach Carter’ over the weekend… It’s actually one of my favourite films and I’ve seen it many times before. (This email might ruin the plot for you if you haven’t seen it already…But it’s a good email, so you should continue reading anyway.) Basically… It’s about a…
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