What Bruce Lee can teach Recruiters

Bruce Lee was once quoted as saying: “I fear not the man who has practised 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practised one kick 10,000 times.” He was making the point that mastering one skill to near perfection, almost always trumps mastering 10,000 skills to a mediocre level. I don’t necessarily…

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A question you need to answer first

Recruitment and Search Firm Owners often come to me with questions relating to “HOW” they attract new clients into their business. It’s a good question and one that will need an answer eventually, but a question they need the answer to first is ‘WHO’… “Who” you target should directly influence “How” you market your business……

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The Secret To Success

“The secret to success” is something I hear people talking about a lot. It’s a question you often hear being asked to successful people during interviews. People want to know “the secret’ that helped them achieve greatness in their chosen field. We as humans often like to think there’s some mysticism attached to success; we…

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Just close your eyes, hold your breath and swallow

When I was growing up, I remember my mum forcing me to take spoonfuls of cod-liver oil, And this was before the “easy to swallow” tablets they’ve made recently. It was back when you had no choice but to take the oil straight from the bottle. I hated the stuff! Just the thought of that…

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[OPEN] Recruitment Marketing Academy

It’s been closed since November last year, and I’ve had a few people ask me when it’s going to be re-opened. Well, today’s the day. You can now join the ‘Recruitment Marketing Academy’ and discover how you can quickly increase your revenue and profits with less work, fewer headaches and a lot less hastle by…

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If you weren’t there, you missed out…

I’ve just about recovered after four days with members of my Recruitment Marketing Elite mastermind group… It was an eventful few day’s, to say the least. How to intimidate your drug dealer next door neighbour, love bombs, male hair removal cream and how McDonald’s brainwash kids were just a view of the topics that came…

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Glass Ceiling

ALMOST every Recruitment or Search Business owner will reach a point in their business where growth starts to stagnate or even stop completely… And most of the time, it has nothing to do with skill or what market they operate in! Think about it, No matter how big your market it is, you only have…

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This might make you sad

You might find this disheartening to hear, But most Recruitment and Search Firm Owners will NEVER create the business the set out to build. And in fact, will end up with nothing more than a ‘job’ (but with all the other extra headaches that come with running a business.) They’ll spend most of their days…

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Even while you sleep

I’ve been asked to co-host a webinar next week that reveals: “How to Build a Recruitment or Search Firm that Generates Leads, Revenue and Profits On Autopilot (Even while you sleep)” It’s FREE to join, all you have to do is click the link below and reserve your place. Reserve your place here: Here’s just…

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2 days left

One of the downsides to my job is I get asked the same questions over and over again by Recruitment and Search Firm owners, all of whom seem to think they’re the only ones in the world with this particular concern… To me, it’s just a twist on the statement “but my business is different”;…

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One of my favourite subjects

Today I want to talk about ‘positioning’ in your Recruitment or Search Business… Positioning is basically how you view yourself in the market, how your competitors view you in the market and how your clients and potential clients view you in the market. It’s one of my favourite subjects and something I can spend days…

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How my ugly mate got laid

In my late teens I used to have a mate who built up a reputation in my circle of friends as being a bit of a ladies man… I think most circles of friends have someone like this, especially at that age… Someone who seems almost naturally gifted at attracting the opposite sex… But this…

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How Uber profits off peoples misfortunes

There’s a tube strike in London today. I work from home, so it doesn’t affect me in the slightest… But as you can imagine, these things have a huge impact on commuters. Tubes are probably the most popular form of public transport in London, so no tube means most people who work in the city…

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It’s been a hard week

I can’t lie to you, It’s been a tough week for me. For no other reason than I took two weeks off over Christmas and this first week back has been somewhat of a shock to the system. I bet it’s been the same for most people. I’ve been working slower, not as productive, forgetting…

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If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them

Something I did a lot over the Christmas holidays was watch movies, A lot of them! It’s something I do with the family every year, and it’s become somewhat of a Christmas tradition, Anyway… Sometime between Christmas and New Year, I was watching a particular movie called the “The Internship” staring Vince Vaughn and Owen…

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More clients in 2017?

I’ll keep this one short and to the point because I have a lot a need to get done today. I’m only looking for a total of just 6 Recruitment or Search Firm Owners to join my ‘Recruitment Marketing Elite’ mastermind group (Deadline to join before the next meeting is Monday 16th January 2017). But…

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Why most Recruiters will fail their new year’s

If you’re anything like the majority of people around the world, over the past few days you’ve been busy thinking about what you want to achieve for the year ahead. You’ve probably set some goals you want to achieve between now and the end of the year that include anything from how much time off…

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How to limit your success

Very few people set out to deliberately limit their success, but it’s something we all do every day subconsciously. We’ll smoke cigarettes even though we know drag by drag they’re potentially shortening our life. We’ll eat greasy junk food even though we know that bite by bite our arteries are getting clogged with crap that…

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Overnight failure

You’ll often hear people say that success doesn’t come overnight… And they’re right of course… Almost without exception … Every success if life, no matter how big or small, is the result of consistent decisions made and consistent actions taken over a certain period… But something people often forget is the fact that failure doesn’t…

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My best clients do this

I was speaking to one of the new members of my ‘Recruitment Marketing Elite’ mastermind group the other day, and he asked me this question: “What do your best clients do that gives them the best results in the shortest amount of time?” Essentially, he wanted to know what the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners…

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