Execution beats perfection… Every time

Yesterday after I wrapped up my Monday morning call with a handful of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help… And we got talking about “perfection” vs “execution”… We can all be a perfectionist at times… And often use “high standards’ as the reason… But almost without exception, perfection slows down progress… We use…

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I’ve been recording a weekly podcast for Recruitment and Search Business Owners who want to make more placements and increase their business revenue and profits over the next few months… Might be useful for you… Especially if you’re in stuck lockdown looking for things to consume on your daily walk: Here’s the link: https://podfollow.com/makemoreplacements

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What you can learn from Zoom

Read an article about Zoom last night… Zoom has been one of the companies to profit massively from this whole lockdown thing, becoming one of the top downloaded apps in the world and the video conferencing software of choice seemingly overnight… The article focused on the success Zoom has had… And they deserve credit for…

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Making placements during lock down

If you want to make more placements during this lock down AND set yourself up to excel once we come through the other side, there are two things you need to do starting today: Stop assuming that Hiring Managers don’t want to hear from you or aren’t buying Stop using the same messaging, pitch and…

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The next 6 months

The things you do today and over the next few weeks will have a massive impact on how your business performs over the next 6 months… This has always been the case, but it’s perhaps even more important to remember now… I’m seeing too many Recruiters waiting this thing out… Hoping that the storm passes,…

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I’m getting a handful of Recruitment and Search Business owners together later this month to share strategies for protecting cash and clients, leveraging opportunities and positioning your business as the “go to” option for Hiring Managers in your market… If you’d like to join us, click the link below and read the full details: Details…

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Protect your cash and turn your business into a profit powerhouse

I’m getting a few of the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I help together for a virtual (online) 1-day workshop to help them protect cash, turn their business into a profit powerhouse and dominate their niche sector over the next 18 months… I think you might find it useful too… Details here If you’re interested…

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Today I’m running an online seminar that reveals “3 PROVEN strategies for protecting your cash, turning your business into a powerhouse of profit and becoming the Recruiter of choice in your sector… Even during a recession“ It’s free to join but there are only 100 spots available, if you haven’t already reserved your place, click…

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The key trait every Recruiter needs right now

Something I’m always asked by Recruitment and Search Firm Owners when they first start working with me on one of my programs is… “What do your best clients do that gives them the best results in the shortest amount of time?” Essentially, people want to know what the Recruitment and Search Firm Owners who get…

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Becoming the Recruiter of choice in your sector

I’m running an online seminar next week that reveals “3 PROVEN strategies for protecting your cash, turning your business into a powerhouse of profit and becoming the Recruiter of choice in your sector… Even during a recession” It’s free to join but there are only 100 spots available, to reserve your place click the link…

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Want to join us next week?

I’m running an online seminar next week that reveals “3 PROVEN strategies for protecting your cash, turning your business into a powerhouse of profit and becoming the Recruiter of choice in your sector… Even during a recession” It’s free to join but there are only 100 spots available, to reserve your place click the link…

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Paralysed Recruiters

I’m seeing more and more Recruitment and Search Business Owners fall into the trap of inaction using what’s going on currently as their latest excuse… Don’t get me wrong… Are times uncertain? Yes, 100% But they always were… Uncertainty will always exist… Literally every business decision you’ve made up to this point has been a…

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Lessons For Recruiters from the Fishing Community

Some traditional fishing villages persist in ways that have changed very little from earlier times… For a fishing village, the whole local economy is dependent on catching fish and harvesting seafood… Quite simply… If there is no fishing, there is no money. When the Fishermen cannot go out to sea, they mend their nets, do maintenance work…

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I recorded this for you

I recorded a free training for you called “How To Protect and Grow Your Recruitment or Search Business During in the NEW Economy” it reveals 7 key shifts every firm must make to thrive over the next 18 months and beyond… Thought you might find it useful! Click below for free access – Click here  

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“Should I stop marketing during COVID-19?”

I had a call with A Recruitment Business Owners the other day who essentially asked the question: “Am I doing the right thing holding back on marketing while all this COVID-19 stuff is going on?” And I’ve had similar questions from clients over the past couple of weeks… Think about it like this… If there’s…

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Offence VS Defence

You can either play offence or defence… Defensive Recruitment and Search Business Owners are thinking in terms of survival and survival alone… They’re retreating, fearing the unknown and letting it stop them from moving forward… They’ve already given up; they’re on “pause” waiting for this whole thing to blow over hoping their business is still…

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3 threats to Recruiters post COVID-19 (and what to do next)

If you’re like most of the Recruitment or Search Business Owners I speak to… There are three major threats to your business profits that you need to be aware of as we move into this new economy…. These are things I saw happening whilst working with Recruiters during and directly after the last recession, and…

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Wanted you to see this

You have a massive opportunity here… The biggest one your Recruitment or Search Business has had for some time… The Economy is contracting, and although if you listen to some people this is a bad thing… It doesn’t have to be! Here’s how management consulting company Bain & Co describes how the very best companies…

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What the other side of COVID-19 Could look like for your Recruitment or Search Business

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Join us online tomorrow

We’re getting together a few of the Recruitment and Search business owners we help together tomorrow to discuss strategies to protect against: ⇢ Recruitment Freezes and assignments being put on hold ⇢ The escalating uncertainty and fear of Hiring Managers in your market ⇢ Increased competition for roles If you’d like to join us, claim your free…

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