Why Hiring Managers don’t want to buy Retained Search and what recruiters should sell instead

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Hiring Managers need retainers

I’m working with this Recruitment business owners at the moment… It’s a very new business (just a few months old)… Operating in an industry where the majority of Recruiters are working on a contingency basis… It’s a one-man operation…. The owner has minimal sales experience… AND get this…. ZERO recruitment experience… But a couple of days…

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The BEST Hiring managers to work with

The BEST Hiring Manager to work with is one who: 1.) Has a need for your services 2.) Value quality service and results over low fees 3.) Trusts you enough to use you exclusively I call these “dream clients”… And finding clients with these three qualities means making placements and scaling your business is easier…

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By the end of this week, over 10% of the year will have passed already…. Gone. Just like that. So, how are you getting on? I mean, I’m betting you set some quite ambitious goals at the start of the year… The number of clients you wanted to win, how much revenue you wanted to…

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Recruiters scream about this

Business revenue is something almost every Recruitment and Search Firm owner I’ve ever met is obsessed with… They all want to increase it… And spend every moment of their working day thinking about how to do it… They all talk about it when you ask how business is going… And for almost all of them,…

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How Batman Villains destroy profits for Recruitment & Search Firm Owners

I ended up watching one of the old Batman movies with my two youngest sons over the weekend… “Batman Begins” As strange as it may sound, I’m pretty much able to extract business lessons from almost anything (they’re always there if you look close enough) … And I found myself learning from one of the villains…

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If you don’t like selling Your Recruitment/Search service, please pay attention

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When the conversation turns to fees

“I’m pitching a new client tomorrow hopefully to assist them with two chef positions any advice? Any tips when the conversation turns to service fees?” I saw the question above in a Facebook group earlier today (#HERC if you know it)… It’s a question I’ve had a lot from Recruitment and Search Business Owners in the…

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Recruiters lie, actions don’t!

One thing I’ve learnt about Recruiters over the years, and people in general (including myself)… is that we lie to ourselves… We like to talk the talk… Say what we’ve set out to achieve, talk about what actions we’re going to take etc… We SPEAK ambition… But words count for nothing… Only your actions and…

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Read this and let it sink in…

Read this and let it sink in… There are probably people in your market with less skill and experience than you, winning more clients, making more placements and charging higher fees… I don’t know how you feel about that… But I know most ambitious Recruitment and Search Business Owners I speak to get pissed off…

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I saw a quote on Facebook a while back that read; “If your business relies on a random encounter or a sudden big break rather than consistent hard work, it’s already set up to fail.” … it’s something I agree with, at least partly… I’ve said before that leaving the growth of your Recruitment or…

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Two things contingency recruiters should do in a candidate driven market

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You’ve been taught WRONG

If you’re like most the Recruitment and Search Business Owners I speak to there’s an excellent chance that everything you’ve ever been taught about winning clients is WRONG… It’s not that it doesn’t work or never worked… It’s just now everything you’re doing is SLOW (so you don’t win new business as frequently as you’d…

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… Delay

  RECRUITER: I’ve just seen an interview you did with one of the Recruitment Business Owners you help, and I want to grow my business and get the same results ME: OK, here’s what it’s going to take. RECRUITER: Great, I can see how that will work… But I’m not ready yet, I need to grow my…

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Desperate Dan makes no placements

You’ve probably met people like this before… People that are so desperate for a relationship that when they finally get one, they think their new partner can do no wrong… They meet a guy or girl, and then they’ll literally worship the ground they walk on… They idolise them in every way and consider themselves…

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This will impress your kids (and you)

My two youngest boys who are 8 and 10, are into gaming and watching videos of other gamers play games on the internet… It’s quite a popular thing to do for kids their ages and its big business… Some of the more established gamers rake in 7 figures per year… I thought it was strange…

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How One Recruitment Business Owner Doubled His Revenue In 10 Months

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Recruiters… Don’t chase this

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I bet you’ve had clients who’ve treated you like crap

I bet you’ve had clients who have treated you like crap, I bet you’ve had clients who underpay, suck your energy, fail to stick to their word and mess you about… Let’s face it… Some Hiring Managers are nightmares to work with… Some don’t appreciate the value you bring… Some want to tell you how…

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4 Things Hiring Managers Think About Recruitment and Search Business Owners

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